Remembering My Favorite Newfie

I do not know where to begin when it comes to trying to describe someone who had literally shaped my very being. Janis was such a catalyst of good and finding the right words to sum up her life are well beyond my abilities. Fortunately though, anyone who ever met her, knew her, because there was only one Janis. Her smile, her contagious laughter and that endless optimism will always resonate in my heart. Those wonderful Newfyisms, "The Crowd he Died for", "Lord Lipton Jesus", and my personal favorite "Go Shit Yourself." We had an extraordinary 32 years together, our connection ran long and deep. Her passing left me with an indescribable emptiness and a darkness I hope to never experience again. When that darkness began to lift I was left with a sustaining memory of a soul so remarkable that I can only believe God brought her home because he forgot how to make them that good. I was also left with a sense of optimism as I began to take inventory of what remains, family, old friends and some new ones, they have become my new fuel. People speak to me about moving on, I really hate that phrase, it implies that you have to leave something behind. That will never be the case, I will always carry Janis in my heart and I will do my best to keep her spirit going, never wasting good and to keep making 'em smile. That is my obligation and the promise I made to her. The photos here are an attempt on my part to try and capture her essence and that sense of joy she brought to everyone in her orbit. We miss her dearly here at the road and every day without her will always be a struggle. I hope she is looking down upon me and more importantly, I hope she is smiling.

When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.

In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.
—Robert Frost

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.
—Kenji Miyazawa