A Three Pennie Opera

These photos were taken back in 2012, when due to a freak of nature Ally, Lauren and Sam were all in town at the same time. I just recently went through some of my old catalogs and viola! there they were and this seemed like a good time to put them up. These were certainly better days. Allie and Lauren having a good time with their Godmother.

Courtney & Ally
Janis, Courtney & Ally
Spot the Codger
Spot the Codgers!
We Found Waldo
Leprechaun Scat
The North American Three Toed Bahama Mama
Ally & Lauren
Sam and Ally, With a Newfie in the Wood Pile
Tres Penneys
Lauren, Samantha, Ally & Courtney
Lauren & Janis
But I Don't Like Green Beer Sam I Am
The Grand Newfie
Elvis is in the Building!
Did I Remember to Clean Out the Wood Chipper?
Damn, I Didn't Clean Out the Wood Chipper!